• Research Papers

    Colonial North America Research Paper

    Introduction The development of the colonial North America was a complicated process that was influenced by many factors. It is interesting to examine those elements from their influence. Since the process connected with the transportation of old social values to the new conditions that had nothing to do with the original ones, it is interesting to find out which factors influenced the shift in the system of values and led to the social changes that took place. It is even more interesting to examine the process to find out what contributed more to the development of colonial North America: economy or religion. The reason for that curiosity is the public…

  • Research Papers

    Foster Care Research Paper

    I would like to start by saying that the article titled “Probation foster care as an outcome for children existing child welfare foster care” by Melissa Johson-Reid and Richard P. Barth written for the National Association of Social Workers and dated July 2003 speaks about the issues of foster care for children and the impact of it on children’s future lives. One learns that there is little research done on the topic of child foster care and issues such as juvenile probation and mental health of children. One reads in the article that since the mid-1970s the foster care programs would pursue permanency for children and youths. The report stresses…

  • Research Papers

    International Economics Research Paper

    One should start by saying that before understanding the causes of consequences of global financial markets it is necessary to understand the global financial structure and its history. Global financial system or the global finance is a conglomerate of financial institutions and regulations that act on a trans-national and international level, as opposed to the financial institutions and regulations operating on local, national, district or regional levels. The major global players are certainly the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), national agencies and government departments as represented by the central banks (Feds), ministries of finance, and private institutions that had chosen to work on…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Cultural Changes

    Introduction and Thesis Statement Employing a multicultural workforce has been previously shown as extremely beneficial decision for companies, and is required in many circumstances, principally when companies engage in international operations. However, cultural diversity in the workplace poses significant managerial challenges, as traditional management methods may not be appropriate in a multicultural environment (Jacob, 2007) and may lead to inferior results. To maximize the benefits and minimize the costs of such as organizational structure, it is imperative to analyze the cultural and social processes that are related to cultural diversity. Such an analysis should bring in turn the practical and conceptual frameworks, which should assist managers to develop proper means…

  • Research Papers

    Elie Wiesel Research Paper

    The world we are living in is cruel, ruthless and unjust. Looking back at the history, or even looking at the things that happen every day in different parts of the world, we see how shaky our world and our lives, in particular, may be. Many people when seeing the cruelty of the world, ask the question “why?”. Those who believe in God, choose to trust that the troubles of the present world are a part of a divine plan and that those suffering now will be rewarded in the world to come. Others, who do not believe in God, blame the cruelty of the world on the God’s absence.…

  • Research Papers

    Kaposi Sarcoma Research Paper

    The second most frequent tumour in HIV infected patients, Kaposi Sarcoma, is one of the most catastrophic illnesses that stroke humanity. In 1993 my life changed forever, when I was discovered to be full blown AIDS positive and a Dx of Kaposi Sarcoma, located inside my lower intestinal tract and rectum. At the beginning I was told there is no cure for the illness, after which I was offered a treatment based on chemotherapy and radiation every week for 8 months. There was no guarantee that the treatment will work; however, I was informed that if the cancer, KS, was not back five years after the treatment, then it was…

  • Research Papers

    Online Social Network Research Paper

    New twenty-first century has brought a significant number of changes. With the development of computers, software, and information technology new gadgets appear every day with more functions and better opportunities for communication. However, not only technology and science but also society undergoes serious transformations recently. Internet grows, technology develops, and it, of course, impacts us, human beings. We access wireless internet connection from our phones and communicators any minute; we go online from laptop or iPad from everywhere. We spend more time online than offline, and internet replaces our real lives. That is why communication through internet becomes so important and significant part of our lifestyle. It is only natural…

  • Research Papers

    Measles Virus Research Paper

    Today, when technology, science, and industry are on the very rise, society can enjoy the achievements and inventions of last century in full scope. We drive modern vehicles, eat best food, use new devices. We even communicate and make friends through modern media – internet, webcam, e-mail, or social network. However, development of technology does not necessarily make people happy. The most precious things in our life are still impossible to get with help of modern inventions. I mean love, happiness, and of course health. Of no doubt, medicine and pharmaceutical science have made a great step forward during last decades. Nevertheless, there are certain diseases that are still a…

  • Research Papers

    Media Research Paper

    Introduction Our perception of the world and the opinions about different events are formed on the non-stop basis. It is through media channels we receive the majority of all information that is used in the opinion formation process. We listen to the radio when at home or in a car, we watch television, we enjoy photographic masterpieces and read newspapers. Magazines and journals are telling us the “news” without which we could have lived happily ever after, but we again fall under the temptation to be anguish with the financial world crisis, even though your boss gave you additional bonuses, and to listen to what media monsters are offering us…

  • Research Papers

    Literary Analysis Research Paper

    The following research paper with deal with the literary analysis of three great works by authors who lived and worked in completely different eras. The works that will be discussed are: Candide written by Voltaire, Common Sense written by Thomas Paine, and All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. To begin with I will analyze every of three works separately and then I compare and contrast the topics discussed by authors as well as the styles their works are written in. Voltaire’s work is a response to 18th century historical events and philosophical trends. In his novel he ridicules at the noble classes, war and the Church.…