Free Research Paper on Discipline: Introduction Traditionally, discipline played an important role in human society. In actuality, it affected practically all spheres of human life and often discipline was associated with progress because it created conditions for the rapid development of society due to the effective organization and thorough control of the social development and all vitally important socio-economic and political processes.
Free Trade vs Protectionism Research Paper
Free Trade vs Protectionism Research Paper: The purpose of this research paper is to assess reasonability of free trade and protectionism concepts based on the empirical test of two opposing theories that are associated with free trade and protectionism respectively. The two theories that will be analyzed within the conceptual framework of this research are liberalism and mercantilism. We will first briefly outline the concepts of free trade and protectionism and their contradictory postulates, to be followed by elaboration on their effective implementation in the empirical setting.
Research Paper on Knowledge Management Systems
Research Paper on Knowledge Management Systems: At the present epoch of a great technological progress and rapid development of IS, knowledge management is getting to be increasingly more important in the process of functioning of any organization or company. In fact, knowledge management is nowadays more important than it has ever been before because the present epoch is characterized by an unprecedented growth of technological and scientific knowledge, development of new technologies and, naturally, knowledge gradually becomes the main value of the modern world. In other words, knowledge is on of the key conditions of prosperity of organizations as well as individuals. At the same time, it is necessary to…
Research Paper on IKEA
IKEA company now offers the consumers the total brand experience under one roff (Zaccai 2006). According to the corporate web-site (IKEA), the company then was identified as a furniture store, and a few peculiarities were introduced to serve the business model: design of the furniture and the channels of promotion were established. Nowadays the company is defined as the world’s biggest home products retailer. From the operational perspective, the company appears to be an exciting case study. Let us now get deeper into company’s logistics management.
Blood Doping Research Paper
Introduction Over the past years, there have been many technological advances in the field of medicine. Some of them have proven to be extremely beneficial in creating a healthier society while others have been used for personal gain. The following essay will outline one of these advances, which is the medical phenomena of blood doping, also known as blood boosting and blood packing.
Research Paper on Commonwealth of Independent States
Russia and Its Neighbors Moscow and Moscow Region Moscow city is a part of Central Economic Region, which is one of 12 Russian economic regions. The Central Economic Region is 484,000 km2 and is the most developed and significant among all 12 parts. This area is well-known for its thriving manufactures of railway rolling stock, machine tools, trucks, ships, electronic equipment, chemicals, cotton and woolen textiles, etc. It is also one of the significant areas in flax, potatoes, and vegetable agriculture. Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world. Its area is 1,081 km2. Its population is 10,524,400 (June 1, 2009). Moscow city is considered to be a…
Supply and Demand Research Paper
Supply and Demand of the MP3 Player Market Research Paper: Abstract A brief research report along with an analysis of data of: the supply and demand of the MP3 Player market. This report includes statistics in regards to target market, market share, as well as elasticity of demand and supply of this good. The paper also details the affects of some complements and some substitutes for in market. Introduction In this research paper we will analyze the supply and demand of the MP3 Player market. We will start by getting acquainted with the general scope of this market by looking at characteristics such as the state of the market, the…
Beijing Jeep Corporation Essay
Executive Summary Beijing Jeep Corporation (BJC), the first major Sino-American joint venture in the automobile industry, had seen several years of decline in sales volumes and was strategically challenged by China’s joining to the WTO in 2001. China’s WTO membership implied that the market could be flooded with imports, thus threatening the current players in the market, most of them (including BJC) carried on substantial portions of production processes on Chinese soil. Clearly, BJC’s market propositions did not meet its consumers at the time, and the situation had the potential of further deteriorating the company’s already-low image within the DaimlerChrysler group.
Research Paper on Broadbanding
In this research paper I will provide information of what broadbanding is, history of development of this performance and reward human resource technique, state its advantages and disadvantages as well as make an analysis whether its usage is effective enough in the organizations and explain why. 1. Introduction Human resource management along with the performance and reward techniques is being constantly developed and frequently traditional salary programs do not correspond to the needs and wants of both employees and company short-term and long-term objectives (Neubauer 1995, 50). Retransformation of the salary programs usually refer to making them simpler, or just aiming to evaluate and rewards competencies of the employees that…
Research Paper on Computer Networks
1. Introduction In this research paper I would like to describe basic types of network. When we are performing particular tasks there can be many ways of doing that as well as if one decides to connect several computers together, there can be many variants. In some cases one ways of connection are better then others, but first it is necessary to define needs and it is also essential to take into account security issues. As I have already mentioned before starting to connect computers in the office, for example, it is essential to decide why this should be done- the purpose of the connection, peripherals to share, define documents…