Hate Crimes Research Paper: Students who study law and want to demonstrate their knowledge are able to write a research paper on hate crimes. The topic is quite broad, because much can be said about the kinds and motives of hate crimes, so students need good writing help of the professionals. The best help for young people who wish to complete a good research paper themselves is a free example of research paper on hate crimes in the Internet. Student reading a sample sees how a paper is composed, see its length, the way data is presented and analyzed and gets the idea of successful research paper writing. Hate crimes…
Research Paper on Third World
Free Research Paper on Third World countries: In 1952 Alfred Sauvy, French politician and economist, was one of the first who introduced the term ‘Third World’ (le Tiers Monde). The term conveys a conscious echo of the older concept of ‘le tiers etat’ that is, ‘the third estate’ (the common people, the poor and underprivileged) of the prerevolutionary ancient regime (Owusu 15674). This concept emerged and gained popularity at the time of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Most countries of the world acceded to one of the militant parties, the superstates. They were referred to as the First World, the capitalistic one, under the…
Research Paper on Web 2.0
Free Research Paper on Web 2.0: From Sales 2.0 to Integrative Sales and Marketing Management Introduction Sales 2.0, “the use of innovative sales practices, focused on creating value for both buyer and seller and enabled by Web 2.0 and next-generation technology” (Seley & Holloway, 2009, p. 5), does not appear to be just another temporary managerial hype. In fact, buzzwords such as Web 2.0 and social media underlie a revolution in the ways by which people communicate with one another, interact with companies and make purchasing decisions. It would be wrong, however, to think of Sales 2.0 and the platforms on which it operates as yet another marketing communication channel.…
Research Paper on Gender Roles and Advertising
In the contemporary society absorbed with modern trends of globalization and cosmopolitism, even biological definitions have a tendency to shift within their meanings to those reflecting cultural and social structures of the humanity. While the gender roles become less and less significant, the question of their origin continues to cause disputes and discussions. In order to properly reflect the physical and psychological relationships between males and females, I will discuss two opposite opinions viewing a gender as either a biological or a cultural phenomenon. In the paper, I will turn to disclosing gender roles created by the society and influenced by media and advertising in particular. My research paper will…
Research Paper on Natural Monopoly
A monopoly is a kind of market structures which characterizes such conditions of competitive struggle between firms of the one field in the market conditions: There is one seller of unique produce, it means that it doesn’t have alternatives. And only one firm can sell it. There are insurmountable entrance barriers into this field (on the market of this produce) such as the effect of caliber (the necessity of large capital investment for the keeping economical activity in this field), superiority of monopolist (exclusive domain upon the patents or control on materials) or unfair competition and so on.
Free Research Paper on Tornado
Introduction Traditionally, the threat of natural disaster is one of the major threats that people faced in their everyday life. In fact, the threat of different natural disaster may vary depending on the region. In this respect, it is possible to estimate that the region where Indiana University Blommington is situated is exposed to a variety of threats of different natural disasters, among which the threat of tornado may be particularly dangerous. It should be pointed out that, in spite of the modern technological achievements and progress of science, it is still quite difficult to forecast precisely the development of tornado and its potential disastrous effect in a particular case,…
Research Paper on Yelu Chucai
Free Research Paper on Yelu Chucai: Introduction The history of the development of Mongolian state is one of the most interesting and noteworthy parts of the development of Oriental civilizations. Mongols, who conquered the major part of Asia, occupied a part of Europe and dominated in Eurasia for a considerable period of time, remained quite a few historical documents or, to put it more precisely, historical works, originals, which could help better understand the history and the development of Mongolian state, as well as its traditions, norms, and principles of its functioning. Those scarce original resources, which are currently at the disposition of modern scientists, are particularly important because they…
Research Paper on Low Birth Rates
Executive summary The report focuses on the problem of the low birth rate in Japanese and Australian women. At the beginning the analysis of the current situation proves the fact that the birth rate in Japan is lower than in Australia though the general demographic situation is quite poor in both countries since neither Australia nor Japan meet the norm constituting the birth rate 2,1. The analysis of the causes of the low birth rate reveals the fact that the high level of economic development forcing Japanese and Australian women to receive education and focus on their professional life deprives them of an opportunity to bear children while having more…
Research Paper on Reflection
Free Research Paper on Reflection: Introduction The aim of this paper is to reflect upon a critical incident from my experience that affected me in a significant way. The desired outcomes of working on this paper are enhanced introspection skills as well as an ability to use reflection and self-examination as tools to arrive on important decisions. Both of these sets of skills are of paramount importance in any medical profession since it involves undergoing stress and emotional shocks on a regular basis. Good medical practitioner should be able to control his or her emotion; however, control over one’s emotions does not necessarily means dismissing all emotional responses. Instead, emotions…
Research Paper on Parenting
The aim of Pinquart’s and Silbereisen’s study presented in the article “Transmission of Values from Adolescents to Their Parents: The Role of Value Content and Authoritative Parenting” is to look at the parent-adolescent relations and to analyze how the valuable content and authoritative parenting influence the transmission process. The introductory part of the article contains information about the past researches and studied. In particular, Pinquart notes that the “study of Looker and Pineo found no significant associations between the values of adolescents and their parents” (2004). Despite the numerous studies conducted on this topic, it remains an open question whether observed associations were due to the parental influences on their…