Service Quality research proposal:
Service quality is the indicator of the level of the customer’s satisfaction with the quality of the product or service. Service quality is one of the most important things which influence the business success. Every client wants to purchase a quality product and receive quality services for the money paid, so the company has to follow these expectations if it wants to keep its customers close and to attract new and new clients.
The service quality is informally divided into two categories: objective and subjective service quality. Objective service quality is the indicator of the real condition and level of the service which depends on the work and organization of the company and its staff. For example, the company has decided to construct a new model of an automobile claiming that it would be a hit of sales.
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Unfortunately, because of the poor creativity and imagination of the designers and engineers the automobile looks weird and possesses poor technical characteristics. The executives of the company understand that no one buys the car, because it is constructed and designed badly. The subjective service quality is more complicated and unpredictable. Everyone has different tastes and understanding of high quality. If the company succeeds in the construction of the automobile from the technical point of view, it is not a guarantee of its success. The client may consider the design is bad or that some characteristics do not meet his requirements, etc. On the contrary, another customer can treat the automobile like a masterpiece of the engineering through and purchase it at once. So this subjective attitude depends on the personal tastes and is not predicted by the constructors.
Service quality is the important characteristic of the level of work of the company. The student is able to choose this topic for the research paper but first of all he has to persuade the professor with a proposal that the topic is worth attention. One should prepare a logical outline which would contain the enumeration of the points and subtopics planned for the research. In addition, the student is expected to write the detailed methodology section and share the literature used for the research with the professor. The paper on service quality should be written in the convincing tone and must not contain unnecessary and odd things.
A research proposal is the reflection of the student’s critical thinking skills and ability of the professional analysis of the suggested topic. One is able to read a free example research proposal on quality customer service in the Internet and learn about the right order of the presentation of the student’s ideas. On the basis of a free sample research proposal on service quality and customer satisfaction it is easy to construct your own paper and succeed with its format and structure.
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