This paper aims to present and discuss a collection of empirical studies related to the adoption and implementation of HR information systems by means of a content analysis of the findings of previous studies on the adoption of digital technologies in human resource management. A review of the relevant literature has shown that a large numerous research aimed to identify factors determining the adoption and implementation of HRIS applications. However, there is a gap in the existing literature detailing the impacts of HR information systems on the success of operations in an organization and the employee experience. The research will review the selected studies with an example of Etisalat UAE as the basis to a better understanding of the significance of HR information systems in corporate success and sustainability.
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The Importance of HR Systems in the Corporate Business
Human resource management is one of the fundamental operations in an organizational setting that focuses on recruitment, management, and direction of the people performing different roles within the organization (Maditheti & Gomez, 2017) (Maditheti & Gomes, 2017). To ensure the attainment of organizational objectives, it is significant to assign the right individuals to the positions based on their competencies and alignment with the corporate goals. With the onset of the digital age, the human resource information system provides a unique opportunity to intersect the human resource management needs of an organization with information technology using specialized software. The globally acclaimed organizations started resorting to the systems, as they consider them profitable. Additionally, the introduction of information systems to human resource management has opened up numerous opportunities for research regarding the benefits of the new technologies at organizational level. The report details the influence of human resource information systems on organizational development at Etisalat UAE, will lay the foundation for a review of the importance of human resource information systems in corporate business.
While there has been significant advancement in literature and research on human resource management and its benefits to an organization, the impact of information systems on organizational HR practices has not received adequate attention. However, the application of software and information systems in human resource management is a recent practice that has not become universally accepted yet, meaning there is a gap in the literature regarding its benefits (Beulen, 2009). Over the past ten years, several scholars have highlighted the influence of information technology on the various processes of human resource management (Al-Damour, Love, & Al-Zu’bi; Troshano, Jerram, & Hill, 2011) . The ultimate goal of any organization is to establish a strategically aligned and adequately qualified workforce to pursue its corporate objectives successfully (Normalini, Kassim, Ramayah,& Kurnia, 2012) . Therefore, there is a need to harness the new software and technological advances to make the processes of human resource management effective for the organization.
As a leading organization in the provision of telecommunications services to consumers, international businesses, and other companies around the world, Etisalat has a unique set of HR needs, which is an example of the potential presented by HR information systems in an organization. One of the goals of Etisalat human resource management is the recruitment and retention of majority locals within its workforce. The incorporation of a new information system to manage the processes of the human resources department at the company has made operations more efficient and allowed to reach the organizational goals. As the process has been successful, there is a need to carry out an analysis of the influences that information systems can have on the various processes in human resource management. The current research will provide useful insight for other organizations seeking to adopt human resource information systems.
Literature Review
Conceptual Framework
The most basic definition terms HRIS as a system used to obtain, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute data concerning an organization’s human resources. In a business setting, there is a dichotomy concerning the application of information systems in human resource management. According to a bulk of the literature detailing the adoption of digital technologies in human resources, there are two extreme conceptual frameworks for the application of HR information systems (anitha & Aruna, 2013; Bondarouk, Parry, & Furtmueller, 2017; Boon, Den Hartog, & Lepak, 2019; Hameed, Counsell, & Swift, 2012) . In the first conceptual framework, the HR information system emerges as a software or online solution assisting in the data entry, tracking, and information needs pertaining to human resource payroll, accounting, and managerial functions in an organizational setting. In it, the HR information system is not adjusted to the specific needs of each organization. In the second conceptual framework, HR information system is incorporated as a database of the organization with different capabilities depending on the particular HR needs of the firm.
Past Research on HR Management Systems
The adoption of information technology systems in business and organizational settings has been an area of interest for scholars and business experts over the past three decades. In particular, the integration of information systems and HR operations in an organizational setting has been an area of scholarly interest. A significant pool of literature related to the use of digital solutions in business settings focuses on the factors influencing the adoption of HR information systems, but there is a gap in literature related to factors influencing the adoption of digital technologies in organizational settings (Al-Dmour, et al., 2013; Anitha & Aruna, 2013) . . However, by analyzing most of the past studies related to topic, it is possible to establish broad categories for the various factors influencing technology adoption in business settings.
Companies that have made significant investments in HR information systems boast of a competitive advantage over their rivals. According to a review of the influence of HR information systems on operations at Etisalat UAE, HRIS adoption provides opportunities for the organization to handle its human resource needs with ease, making its operations more effective and successful (Kolachi & Akan, 2014) . In recent years, the adoption and usage of HR information systems has become more widespread, especially in small and medium enterprises (Hanif, et ak., 2014; Piabuo, Piendiah, Njamnshi, & Tieguhong, 2017). . The extent to which different organizations incorporate and adopt information systems in their operations depends on the size of the organization and the funds available for investment in the new technology.
The Employee Self Service Platform
Automation of services and operations in human resource management can influence the internal operations of the organization and employee experience with the organization positively. An analysis of past studies on the topic indicates that the HR information system integrates all functions within the HR department of an organization, thereby making it easy to deal with employees as individuals or in a group (Jahan, 2014; Silva & Lima, 2017) . Apart from that, it makes job allocation within the organization effective, improving employees’ attitude towards their responsibilities, and makes the process of transition between different job roles or responsibilities in an organization, positively contributing to employee experience (Kolachi & Akan, 2014; Normalini, et al. 2012).
Today, HR information systems have become integral part of the success and sustainability of all organizations. Proponents of automated and digital HR systems contend that the introduction of digital media to human resource management has transformed routine paper operations to easily accessible databases, improving the effectiveness of HR operations in an organization and results of HR manager (Hameed et al. 2012) . Among the major changes in HRIS over the past few years is the onset of cloud computing, which is a technology that operates by maintaining data and applications using the Internet and remote servers as opposed to physical data sites or database locations (Bondarouk et al. 2017) . Cloud computing contributes to improvements in HRIS by enabling HR personnel to handle their duties from remote locations using mobile applications and the Internet.
Research Questions
Research Question 1: is it worth it for an organization to invest in human resource information systems?
Research Question 2: what is the role of human resource information systems and their contribution to the HR strategy at organizational level?
Research Objectives
The aim of the study is to establish the importance of HR automation in the effective and efficient management of human resource operations and development using the case of Etisalat UAE as an example. It also aims to contribute to the available pool of literature regarding the justification for adopting HI information systems in multinational organizations. To reach this goal, the paper will evaluate the influence of HRIS adoption of HR operations and development at Etisalat before conducting an assessment of past literature on the facilitators and benefits of information systems in human resource management.
Research Design and Methodology
The research design determines the direction that the given study will follow to answer the research questions. The survey presented in this report is an example of a qualitative research. The strategy adopted in the given study is secondary research, which implies following the outcomes and conclusions of other relevant and acknowledged scholars in business management. In this paper, scholarly articles were selected from trusted databases by using the keywords HRIS, business management systems, and Information Technology as the main selection factors. Another criterion for selection of articles was the date. For this research, the limit for the date of publication on each research was 2012. All the research studies that met the selection criteria were reviewed according to the research objectives and questions of the study.
Secondary Research
Results and Analysis
The analysis of selected articles that met the criteria for the current study revealed that the introduction of digital technologies to business has made human resource information systems a hot button topic for research over the past decade. According to reviews of the selected articles, investment in human resource information systems presents significant benefits for the organization concerning talent management and recruitment of local employees (Bondarouk et al., 2017; Boon et al., 2019; Silva & Lima, 2017; Yu, 2012; Hanif et al., 2014; Kolach & Akan, 2014) . . Apart from that, it was deduced that the inclusion of ICT in human resource management has improved the efficiency of HR operations in SMEs (Anitha & Aruna, 2013; Maditheri & Gomes, 2017; Piabuo et al., 2017) (. Another emerging outcome from the analysis of selected literature is that information systems have the potential to affect all steps involved in the human resource management process positively, presenting numerous benefits for the organization (Jahan, 2014; Normalini et al., 2012; Tigari, 2017) . In general, analysis of the articles showed the need for organizations to invest in human resource information systems.
From the above analysis of the sources, it can be concluded that investing in a HR information system is a beneficial investment at an organizational level. The evidence presents numerous organizational benefits for making investments in HRIS. Apart from this, the selected studies also indicate a connection between the establishment of the HR information system and the attainment of HR objectives in an organization.
The introduction of information systems to human resource management has altered the processes and operations of HR in organizational settings, presenting significant opportunities for research and advancement in future. For instance, it provides opportunities for the improvement of internet and intranet interfaces to positively contribute to the usability and self-reliance, which increases the efficiency of services in the organization. Technological improvements present the opportunity to develop mobile apps to handle various HR processes, which will enable organizations to manage their HR needs even remotedly. Another recommendation for research is related to the impacts of the HR information systems on employee productivity and loyalty, especially in the wake of rampant automation in the organizational setting. Additional research on software development can also assist in improving training and employee competency in handling HR information systems.
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