Research Papers

Training Need Identification Research Paper

Training need identification or training analysis implies using psychoanalysis as a training exercise for the future psychoanalyst, the main part of his training.

The discovery of psychoanalysis is closely linked to the Freud’s concept of introspection. Freud initially thought that only those who realized their own unconscious are able to successfully practice psychoanalysis. At the Nurnberg Congress in 1910, Freud claimed that introspection is the condition that is required to ensure that the doctor was able to perceive countertransference and master it. What did Freud refer here to: introspection or analysis conducted by a third party? The term “Selbstanalise” does not explicitly address this issue. From the context it appears that it is about self-analysis, but according to the report by Otto Rank on the congress, Freud was rather referring to the organization of the didactic analysis. Apparently, during this period, the indispensability of the didactic analysis, even after personal analysis, has not yet become apparent for Freud.

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The forming value of personal analysis was more clearly recognized by Freud in 1912. This time the analysis was connected with the theory, according to which “the unconscious of the psychoanalyst, or consignee, should be faced with the unconscious of the patient, or the sender”. To make this possible, the analyst must be able to freely handle his own unconscious; it is the goal the didactic or training analysis aims.

The requirement of the didactic analysis for anyone who wants to become a psychoanalyst, became mandatory at the Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association, in 1922. Sandor Ferenczi more than others stressed the role of didactic analysis, regarding it as “the second main rule of psychoanalysis.” He believed that the didactic analysis should, in principle, be as careful and profound, as medical analysis: “to withstand the aggressive behaviour of the patient, the analyst has to go through an exhaustive analysis. I insist on it despite the contrary opinion that for candidate psychoanalysts it is enough to be familiar with the mechanisms of the so-called didactic analysis and that his experience should be acquired in the future during his own practice. I have repeatedly emphasized that I do not see a fundamental difference between therapeutic and didactic analysis, and now I would just like to add that even if not every single treatment course can be brought to a conclusion, the psychoanalyst, on which depends the fate of so many people, is obliged to know and to control even the smallest weaknesses of his character, and this is impossible without a fully completed analysis.”

These days, the requirements by Ferenczi are considered to be generally accepted; they are designed to make personal analysis of future psychotherapist, psychoanalyst such a procedure, in which the process of getting new knowledge is pushed into the background, although the term “didactic” exaggerates exactly this aspect.

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