• Research Papers

    Grade Inflation Research Paper

    The nature of the grade inflation is the trend when students are progressively awarded higher marks for tasks that would have received lower grades earlier. It is most often mentioned in the context of education and training systems in the United States and United Kingdom. However, it is also later was mentioned as a problem in other countries of the Western Europe. The existence of the phenomenon is not proven scientifically until today. It is only apparent from statistics showing that the average grade has improved in some areas over longer periods. In the United States is A-grades are on higher education has gone from 15% to 45% since 1950…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Battered Woman Syndrome

    Battered Woman Syndrome (SFB) usually translates into the fact that the victim focuses all her energy to prevent a new attack by her husband. Thus, with time, the woman develops an apathy, which undermines her self-esteem and reduces her capacity for judgment. In jurisprudence, the Battered Woman Syndrome is usually invoked as defense by women who have killed their abusive husband. However, it is not considered a self-defense by the criminal law. Indeed, it is much more of an item of evidence or interpretation that could lead to the use of means of defense, and thus to be the legitimate self-defense by the article 34 of the Criminal Code. In…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Insanity Defense

    Insanity defense is a claim in criminal trials that defendant is not in a position to realize the actual nature and danger of his actions or control them due to a mental disorder or other mental illness. In criminal law, insanity is a reason to exempt such a person from criminal liability and subject it to forced treatment. The notion that a person with mental illness should not be treated with the criteria used for the assessment of mentally normal behavior developed in primitive form for quite a long time. The development of psychiatric science at the present stage allowed to form an idea about the insanity of people who…

  • Research Papers

    Herbal Medicine Research Paper

    Herbal medicine is one of the oldest medical therapies that can be found on all continents and in all cultures. The knowledge about plants is the basis of herbal medicine. In addition, herbal medicine largely intersects with pharmacology and toxicology. As a result, herbal medicine can be associated with the term referring to pharmaceutical biology. Herbal medicine aims to explore medical plants and their ingredients with respect to their therapeutic effects. Not only whole plants or their parts (flowers, leaves, seeds, bark, roots), but also isolated individual substances are used in herbal medicine. These pharmaceutical drugs called precursors can be used fresh or conserved: tea, juice, tincture, extract, powder, essential…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Extraterrestrial Life

    One of the most interesting ideas for stirring up the imagination of not only professional astronomers, but also people of other professions, has always been the idea of finding evidence of extraterrestrial life. Our Universe is huge, almost infinite, and scientists can assume that there is another Earth, or even many Earth-like planets, outside our solar system. It is likely that somewhere in the Universe, there are planets with conditions that allow to develop and maintain some lifeforms. But what about our solar system? Today it is considered that the atmosphere is necessary when it comes about possibility of life, in other words, you need air, water, and gravity close…

  • Research Papers

    Sex Ratio Research Paper

    Sex ratio is the ratio of males to females in diclinous population. Sex ratio along with sexual dimorphism is an important characteristic of diclinous population. Usually it expresses the number of males per 100 females, the proportion of male animals, or as a percentage. Depending on the stage of ontogenesis primary, secondary, and tertiary sex ratio can be distinguished. The primary sex ratio is established in zygote after fertilization; secondary sex ratio — at birth and, finally, the tertiary sex ratio is determined in mature, capable of breeding individuals of a population.

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Anti Money Laundering

    Financial action task force (FATF) on combating the legalization of funds obtained by criminal means recognized that the international trading system has become one of the principal means by which criminal organizations and terrorist financiers transfer their funds, trying to hide their criminal origin through legalization. It is expected that such unlawful use the international trading system will become more and more attractive to criminals, as the application of standard methods to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism to other methods the legalization of funds obtained by criminal means, became more efficient. At present, however, many customs, law enforcement agencies, Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the tax authorities, and services…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Satanism

    Satanism or Devil worship is a number of occult and religious beliefs, ideologies that were formed in the 19th century as a protest against the dominance of Christianity, in which the image of Satan is treated as a symbol of power and freedom. Use free sample research papers on Satanism to learn that Satanic cults “reject the Christian culture through the worship of Satan,” as well as “extol the evil and violence, promote communication with mystical sources of evil: demons, Satan, etc.” their very existence is due to the fact that Satan is presented by his henchmen more powerful than God and good forces, and have a greater capacity to…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Factors Affecting Academic Performance

    The major psycho-physiological characteristics and temperament are formed during puberty. During this period, the educational process is quite difficult, so the work is relevant because it explores the fundamental physiological indicators in their relation to the learning process. Since the formation of temperament affects such essential neurodynamics characteristics as interhemispheric relations, there was conjecture that the formation of temperament influences the success of learning. Surveyed 118 adolescents at the age of 11-15 and 58 students (with average age of 23.5 showed that temperament is undergoing some changes during puberty. The surveyed girls showed an increased emotional instability (neuroticism), leading to changes in the distribution of types of temperament, during the…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Insurance Industry

    In the developed countries and the world economy as a whole, the insurance industry has two main functions. First, it offers protection against a variety of risks and, secondly, is the source of savings and investment (including long-term) at the expense of insurance reserves, accumulated by insurance companies. Insurance accompanies all important economic processes and transactions, provides stability, continuity, and survival of the business, its reproduction. The main indicator of the extent and level of development of the insurance industry is the absolute volume of insurance contributions (or premiums, paid by the policyholder in exchange for insurance protection) and their per capita level. Globally, the figure in 2004 amounted to…