Free research paper example on Anime: Japanese culture is heavily influenced by their style of cartoons, Anime (which is derived from a French word), which is also also known as Japanimation. Anime is simply cartoons which have Japanese origin. Popular examples of this are Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Thundercats. Anime in Japan is made for all types of audiences including children, adolescents, and adults. There are categories of anime and manga (Japanese comic) for girls, boys, young girls, young boys, adolescent boys, adolescent girls, conservative adults, non-conservative adults and so on. The subjects of anime range from history (past and future), to fantasy, dramatic, science…
Free Research Paper on Balance Sheet
Obviously an accountant requires valuable information to construct the report. The valuable information which can be represented on a Balance Sheet, such as profitability levels, will affect strategic decision-making. So of course, financial reports can help formulate decisions also. Setting out the financial position of a business is the purpose of the Balance sheet. So, from this, strategic decisions regarding future performance can be formulated. A financial report will always centre on accounting. This can be defined as the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions, by users of the information.
Free Research Paper on E-commerce
In recent years, the use of Internet commerce has grown drastically. The fastest increase has been in US, where the Internet usage and E-commerce has largest impact. The emergence of the Internet has been a major contributing factor. Where advances in telecommunications and computing largely occurred side-by-side in the past, today, they converge on the Internet. In its most basic sense, electronic commerce can be defined as conducting or enabling the buying and selling of goods or services through electronic networks, including the Internet. In my position paper I would first tell you some arguments about e-commerce, summarize some articles about e-commerce and also give some steps and valued opinion…
Free Research Paper on Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing and data mining are two important technologies that are becoming more established in society today due to the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centers. Data warehouses have been used in the private sector for years, predominantly to analyze customer-buying trends. The value of the data warehousing in both government and private industry comes from capturing an assortment of information across the enterprise, most commonly known as data mining. Data mining is the compilation of information in the form of stored data that is used to assist law enforcement agencies in tracking the activities of terrorists, and other illegal activities in this country and throughout the world.…
Free Research Paper on Mcdonalds
Free research paper sample on Mcdonald: McDonald’s has always been a franchising Company and has relied on its franchisees to play a major role in its success. McDonald’s remains committed to franchising as a predominant way of doing business. Approximately 70% of McDonald’s worldwide restaurant businesses are owned and operated by independent businessmen and women. What does McDonalds do? McDonalds is committed to fast, friendly food services. McDonalds food is of a high standard. The only way McDonalds can keep up with this standard is to continue to make technological advances with there equipment and procedures. McDonalds Australia has a wide range of food on its menu from burgers to…
Free Research Paper on Banking
Free research paper sample on Banking: In earlier times people only accepted bank notes as money because they were convertible into gold. Nowadays everything have changed, money has become a commodity and its always accepted as that if it possesses some properties such as durability, portability, divisibility and if it is limited in supply. Money Supply consists on bank deposits, bank notes and coins. Bank deposits can be converted into cash because of two reasons: on demand or just after some period of notice. These bank deposits are created when notes and coin are paid into a bank and when a bank makes a loan. Banks assets are mostly financial…
Free Research Paper on Cannabis
Free research paper example on Cannabis: Marijuana is the most common name for the hemp plant, cannabis sativa, in the United States. The term marijuana is derived from the Mexican Spanish mariguana/marijuana that translates to ‘Mary’s leaf or plant.’ The term marijuana entered in to English in about 1894 and has become the mainstream term in the United States. Cannabis now has a variety of names such as hashish, pot, ganja, hemp, tea, grass, and weed. Cannabis is a unique plant, with a long history. It is also a useful plant medically, and a highly controversial substance around the world. Cannabis sativa was originally classified under the Nette family under…
Free Research Paper on Firewall
To prevent intruders from accessing your computer system, it is best to install a personal firewall software package. These hackers are constantly scanning home user system for known vulnerabilities. ‘A firewall should isolate your computer from the Internet using a safeguards that inspect each individual “packet” of data as it arrives at either side of the firewall — incoming or outgoing from your computer — to determine whether it should be allowed to pass or be blocked’. Although with physical security measure and password protection, intruders and hacker can still manage to gain access to your computer system. Important data such as credit card accounts, bank records and medical information…
Free Research Paper on Taoism
Laozi (Lao Tzu) – name means “old master” or “old child”; born from vaginal conception; he was born old; he took a job in Loyang for many years but soon grew tired of it and left his post, carried by an ox, traveled to the far west of China; at the border he was recognized as an esteemed scholar and was prohibited from crossing the border until he had written down his teachings; after the book was finished, he left China never to be seen again. Tao Te Ching – a short book of about five thousand Chinese characters; the great classic book of Taoism, accepted by most Taoists as a…
Free Research Paper on Tartuffe
Free research paper example on Tartuffe: “Language is a skin. I rub my language against the other. It is as if I had words instead of fingers, or fingers at the tip of my words. In comedic texts, words are used not only to tell a comical story, but also to show the audience what the playwrights/producers were trying to express. Specifically, in narrative comedic texts such as Molierre’s “Tartuffe” and “American Beauty”, written and physical language are used to carry the plots as well as expose humor, arrogance, religious criticisms, manipulation, corrosive discourse, and hypocrisy. Moliere’s Tartuffe doesn’t even introduce the main charter of the story until the third…