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    Free Research Paper on Immanuel Kant

    Immanuel Kant, born in Konigsberg, on April 22, 1724, attempted to rebuild philosophy from the ground up. Kant transcended both philosophies of his time, Rationalism and Empiricism. We believe his work did in fact change philosophy permanently. Kant was born near the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, which is now known as Kalingrad. This was an important regional port, alive with English, Dutch, Polish, and Russian traders. It was the capital of East Prussia, which had become a “Kingdom” in 1701 when Frederick I crowned himself in Konisberg. Kant was the fourth born of many children, of whom five lived to adulthood. His parents were pietist Lutherans of modest…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Julius Caesar

    In the opening situation of his funeral speech for Julius Caesar, Mark Antony quickly moves the hostile crowd from believing they are well rid of Caesar to questioning the assassination through his juxtaposition of experience versus opinion, and a repetition of key words that reverses their meaning. Antony compares his concrete positive experiences with Brutus’s unsubstantiated opinion both in what he says and the way he presents it. Antony begins his speech by reminiscing of how Caesar was Antony’s “friend, faithful and just to me,” a fact that the crowd had long known. Antony always appeared to be at Caesar’s side, indicating that they were indeed close friends. However Antony…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Cash Flow

    Finance is the art and science of managing money. Cash flow is a major characteristic of finance and can be described as the coming in and going out of cash over a specific period. Cash is needed to assist in covering day to day expenses of a business. Various forms of cash exist including notes, coins and cheques which may be in the form of petty cash or money held in a bank account. Negative cash flow occurs when a firm depletes all the funds in their account and need to use an overdraft facility. Positive cahsflow would describe a situation where the firm has money in the bank available…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Abraham Lincoln

    Free research paper sample on Abraham Lincoln: The sixteenth president of the Untied States, Abraham Lincoln, was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky, in a log cabin. During his younger years he worked several jobs and volunteered in the Black Hawk War, in which he became a captain. Lincoln was caring and was a very determined man to make a difference in what he believed was right and then he tried to do what he could do about it. He tried over and over no matter how many times he failed or however many times he lost a debate. Abraham was regarded at one time as the “Great Emancipator” for his forward…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Genetics

    With the ever increasing amount of research and money being put into the area of genetic technology, it is very real that in the near future people will be able to alter their genetic makeup and the genetic makeup of their offspring. The technology of gene modification does have the potential to benefit many individuals. However, with the good comes the bad, and when we are dealing with genetics the possible negative outcomes must be taken very seriously. One of the negative outcomes is that genetic modification will serve to further support and enforce our already segregated society. The foundation for increased segregation is based on an increase in the…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Fedex

    Free research paper sample on Fedex: Federal Express Corporation (Fedex) was established in 1973. Since then, Fedex had become a global logistics and supply chain management. The company had invested heavily in information technology systems. It had a powerful technical architecture that had the potential to pioneer in Internet commerce. However, there are some difficulties, the company’s logistic and supply chain operations have trouble to keep up the company’s image, The transportation volume growth was slowing down because the competitive industry was too intense. In early 2000 The company announced major reorganization within the entire Fedex family. Each five subsidiary companies was to function independently but to compete collectively. In…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Genesis

    Bible Passages: Genesis Chapter I – 25 & Job 1. KNOWING GOD vs KNOWING ABOUT GOD The purpose of us reading through the Bible in a year is not primarily to improve your bible knowledge but to get to know God more and to understand his ways as He has acted in human history. The Bible is not fundamentally a book of doctrine because God has chosen to reveal himself through what he has done in history – how He has tangibly and dynamically broken into people’s lives and not through dictating a theoretical book about the concepts about Himself. The uniqueness of Christianity does not lie in us believing…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Caffeine

    In today’s society, caffeine is a way of life and can be found in various shapes and forms. Though most people might not regard caffeine as a drug, it very much is. Around 90% of Americans swallow caffeine each day and at the amount of 300 milligrams. Caffeine is a white powder that is fairly soluble in liquid at a person’s body temperature. In the supermarket, many products up and down the isle can be found that contain caffeine in some sort of form. Coffee, which usually contains the most, to the ever popular choice of soda are just some of the products that include the substance, caffeine. Not only…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Beowulf

    Defending one’s country, helping a person in need, or just volunteering in the community; a hero can be anyone with a desire to help. Heroes quite often display a set of unique qualities that make them an upstanding member in their community. As displayed in the epic Beowulf, the main characteristics that a hero must posses are strength, bravery, and a strong set of values. Represented as an epic hero, Beowulf displays these heroic qualities with integrity and the desire to help others, even at his own expense. Supreme strength accompanies Beowulf, helping represent him as a hero. Regarded as stronger than anyone anywhere in the world, Beowulf uses his…

  • Research Papers

    Free Research Paper on Feminism

    Before taking this class I had never really put much thought towards the subject of feminism. I had a general idea of the term, but no real sense of what it truly entailed. After realizing that, I felt that I needed to gain an understanding of feminism and what it meant to be a feminist. Following just the short amount of time spent reading material and listening to lectures I have come to a much clearer view of what the term means to me. As a result I have come to find that feminism is a movement for the equality of women who are fighting against the historically accepted ideals…