In the world of religion we often look up to many significant figures and moments for guidance. One of these occurrences is life of and the man himself, Jesus. For myself Jesus is the main staple in my faith upbringing, being the relative symbol of what to strive for and do in our lives. As I enrolled into the class of Catholic Vision I knew I was going to gain some more perspective on him, but to what extent I had know clue. Now leaping forward to almost the end of the term I recognize that my knowledge of Jesus has gone to places I was not prepared for. This…
Free Research Paper on CDMA
Why CDMA Technology? Wireless is now accepted as an alternative local loop technology and its use has increased dramatically by incumbents and new entrants throughout the world. United Telecom Limited(UTL) joins front runner telecos with the launch of wireless in local loop (WLL) technology for basic telecommunications services. WLL-CDMA technology,which is wireless based, is ideally suited for hilly regions of Nepal as well as congested cities like Kathmandu where it is extremely difficult to lay the cables. This technology is widely deployed in a large number of developing as well as developed countries. WLL involves the final connection between the existing telecom infrastructure and a subscriber’s home or business establishment…
Free Research Paper on GPS
The Global Positioning System (GPS), comprised of three integral segments, is one of the newest and most efficient forms of locating a global position. It was developed by the United States of American department of Defense (DoD) for military purposes. Since its creation it has developed many different uses. The three distinct segments are the user, space, and control segments. This report will explain what each of these segments entail with an emphasis on how they work together to provide the user with a GPS position. The Global Positioning System is a large system of satellites that orbit the earth. These satellites transmit signals that are received by the user.…
Free Research Paper on Gay Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was passed as United Nations’ resolution 2200 A [XXI]. It was created in1948 shortly after the UN’s erection. Most legislation surrounding human rights enacted by the United Nations looks to this document for guidance. One need only look to a few of the Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to see where Israel is in violation of the Declaration. Article three, “Everyone has the rights to life, liberty and security of person.” By Israel’s’ actions of occupying the Palestinian territory, Israel violates, at the very least, many Palestinian’s liberty and security. Article five, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to…
Free Research Paper on Employee Motivation
“Employee Motivation refers to the individual forces that account for the direction, level, and persistence of a person’s effort expanded at work” Schermerhorn, Jr., Hunt, Osborn, 2002, p. 147). Within this definition there are three key words that are easily misinterpreted by managers: direction, level, and persistence. Direction refers to an individual’s choice when presented with a number of possible alternatives. Level refers to the amount of effort a person puts forth. Persistence refers to the length of time a person sticks with a given action. Once managers fully understand the meaning of motivation they can begin to apply it in the workplace. But, first managers must determine which category…
Free Research Paper on NAFTA
Free example research paper on NAFTA: For the past 15 years Mexico’s major economic concern focused on macroeconomic policy. It shares the border with the wealthiest economy in the world so the government that tries to expand the Mexican economy must be aware that its citizens demand a similar standard of living to its northern neighbors. During 1980’s Mexican foreign economic policy significantly changed. These changes are noticeable in the U.S.-Mexico Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties, Mexico’s entry into the GATT, and the Framework Agreement, together with its working groups, which were meant to advance sectoral trade liberalization. “Clearly, trade liberalization has been the order of the day” (NAFTA,…
Free Research Paper on SIDS
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as SIDS, is the major “cause of death” among infants ranging from the ages of one month to one year, most occurring between two and four months old. SIDS is determined as the cause of death only after the proper procedures rule out all other reasonable doubt of any other causes of death. SIDS deaths are sudden, occurring quickly with no signs of any suffering while the infants are asleep. SIDS is not caused by minor illness, such as colds, nor is it contagious or the cause of every unexpected infant death, it is only the diagnosis established by conclusion (Understanding the Mystery of…
Free Research Paper on Alcoholism
What is alcoholism? How does it affect us? Not aware of it, many of us know someone, if not ourselves, who is an alcoholic. Alcoholism is the habitual excessive consumption of alcohol (NIAAA). It is a chronic disease that is often times progressive and fatal. This means that the disease continues over time and that physical, psychological, and emotional changes often occur. These changes cumulate and progress as the drinking continues. Denial becomes an essential part of the disease and a major barrier. Alcoholics often drink to help their problems, but rather, drinking and denial are a major cause of the problems.
Free Research Paper on Globalization
The problem of the globalization has been long time being one of the discussion centers already that worry and entertain more to the different intellectual centers from the western world. The problem has been taken to the word with diverse names and from diverse perspective, for example, like the dilemma between the “universalidad” or the “particularitity”, same that can be understood like a variant of the classic discussion on the relation between the whole and the part. Also we can observe the subject from the perspective of the political philosophy, there one appears as the debate, that persists between us from the Greeks, on the best form of government and…
Free Research Paper on Scandium
The transition metals have played an important role in human history. It was these elements that were responsible for the Bronze and Iron Ages, during which advances in tools and weapons were made. Today humans are beginning to take advantage of the properties of transition metals located at the left most positions of the d-block on the periodic table. (Jones, L., 2000) One d-block metal that presents new technological avenues in the development of human tools is scandium. Although universally present in the earth’s crust, scandium is found only in trace amounts in minerals. (Scandium Information Center, 2003). Despite its scarcity, scandium has become an important human resource and has…