
Disease and Vaccination for Polio

Poliomyelitis is an infectious illness caused by poliovirus, usually abbreviated to polio. In approximately 0.5% of the instances, the stomach spreads to the central nervous system, and muscular weakness leads to flacent paralysis (Li Hi Shing, 2019). This may happen for a few hours to a few days. The weakness most frequently affects the legs, although the muscles of the head, neck and diaphragm may be less prevalent. Many individuals are recovering completely. About 2 to 5 percent of infants and 15 to 30 percent of adults die among individuals with muscular weakness.

Polio spreads when an infected person’s feces is brought into another person’s mouth through contaminated water or food, often referred to as fecal-oral transmission. Oral transmission through the saliva of an infected person may be responsible for certain instances. Vaccination is the greatest approach to avoid polio (Scott, 2021). The inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is shot and the only polio kind in the US accessible. The vaccination for oral polio (OPV) was terminated in 2000. Four doses of IPV vaccine from the age of two should be given to kids. Symptoms of polio include fever, sore neck, fever, headache, vomiting, fatigue, return to pain or rigidity, pain in the neck or rigidity arms or legs have pain or rigidity, weakness of muscle or tenderness (Ittefaq, 2021).

Brace difficulties, knee recurvate, increased weakness due to over-use and knee equines are the most frequent long-term problems observed in polio. After the patient is over 30 years after polio, there is a clear rise in complications. Polio diagnosis is based on the history, physical examination and continuing symptoms of the patient. The virus may be isolated from the patient’s tissues to confirm the diagnosis (Shah, 2021). There is no cure for polio; therapy is supportive and is intended to reduce or curb the patient’s symptoms.

Vaccines can prevent polio. The only polio vaccination administered in the United States since 2000 is inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Depending on the individual’s age, it is administered via a shot in the arm or leg (Kalkowska, 2021). In other countries, oral polio vaccination (OPV) is utilized. Another scientific research took almost 50 years to describe the characteristics of the illness and its association with the spinal cord. Jacob Heine presented his conclusions on poliomyelitis at that time in 1840. This was the disease’s first medical report and official recognition. On 26 March 1953, Dr. Jonas Salk, an American medical researcher, said on a national radio program that the virus that causes polio paralysis has successfully been tested (Andersen, 2018). There is a risk of adverse effects with every medication, including vaccinations. These are often minor and go alone, but sometimes severe responses. Some individuals receive IPV where the injection was administered. Some people who get IPV are not known to create severe issues, and most individuals experience no difficulties (Bandyopadhyay, 2018). In polio campaigns, all ill children and infants need to be vaccinated for the protection they urgently need against polio. Are there any adverse effects of OPV? OPV is safe, effective and is a vital tool for protecting all children against polio. There are no documented issues with IPV, and most users have no difficulty with IPV (Tzeng, 2021). Any drug may produce a significant side effect, for example, a severe allergic response or even death. There is very little chance that polio vaccination may cause severe damage.

Andersen, A., Fisker, A. B., Rodrigues, A., Martins, C., Ravn, H., Lund, N., … & Aaby, P. (2018). National immunization campaigns with oral polio vaccine reduce all-cause mortality: a natural experiment within seven randomized trials. Frontiers in public health, 6, 13.
Bandyopadhyay, A. S., Modlin, J. F., Wenger, J., & Gast, C. (2018). Immunogenicity of new primary immunization schedules with inactivated poliovirus vaccine and bivalent oral polio vaccine for the polio endgame: a review. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 67(suppl_1), S35-S41.
Ittefaq, M., Baines, A., Abwao, M., Shah, S. F. A., & Ramzan, T. (2021). “Does Pakistan still have polio cases?”: Exploring discussions on polio and polio vaccine in online news comments in Pakistan. Vaccine, 39(3), 480-486.
Kalkowska, D. A., & Thompson, K. M. (2021). Health and economic outcomes associated with polio vaccine policy options: 2019–2029. Risk Analysis, 41(2), 364-375.
Li Hi Shing, S., Chipika, R. H., Finegan, E., Murray, D., Hardiman, O., & Bede, P. (2019). Post-polio syndrome: more than just a lower motor neuron disease. Frontiers in neurology, 10, 773.
Scott, R. P., Cullen, A. C., & Chabot‐Couture, G. (2021). Disease surveillance investments and administration: Limits to information value in Pakistan polio eradication. Risk Analysis, 41(2), 273-288.
Shah, S. F. A., Ginossar, T., & Weiss, D. (2019). “This is a Pakhtun disease”: Pakhtun health journalists’ perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to polio vaccine acceptance among the high-risk Pakhtun community in Pakistan. Vaccine, 37(28), 3694-3703.
Tzeng, S. Y., McHugh, K. J., Behrens, A. M., Rose, S., Sugarman, J. L., Ferber, S., … & Jaklenec, A. (2018). Stabilized single-injection inactivated polio vaccine elicits a strong neutralizing immune response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(23), E5269-E5278.