
A Profile of a Person Essay

“Every person is a creator of his destiny”, – people always thought, but it is partly true, as events and turning points on every life way can change the person’s future fate. That is why even Anna Evans could hardly imagine or foresee a long sequence of misfortunes and troubles in her early child’s age, when she was lavished upon with care and love of her big and friendly family.

No one knows exactly where Mrs. Anna Evans was born and what her real age was. More over she never spoke about her family, but she is known as a fabulous remarkable women of a small but beautiful town. Admittedly she was born in St. Petersburg, but it is not the fact, the point is that she traveled a lot and she knew completely every piece of land in her native country and her stories contained different names of the cities.

Mrs. Evans had some notations, memories and stories. They mostly look like diary notes and can be used like small quotations in her profile:

“…My young years were not so happy, as my poor family (mom
and dad, granny and granddad, brother and younger twin
sisters) died during the war. I was a small child. A real
miracle happened to me that I survived during savage
bombardments in the outskirts and distant suburbs of St.
Petersburg. And now from the height of my age I can say
that bloodcurdling sense of loss and the feeling of
loneliness darkens the seen scare of war, murders,
injustice, hunger and need…”

So summarizing this, she was about 60 or nearly 70, but she always looked younger, all in all fantastic. Her blond hair, heavenly blue eyes and white skin like porcelain doll has made her appearance shiny and attractive.

Nevertheless there is still some information about Mrs. Evans. She stayed in St. Petersburg during the most part of her life. Firstly she stayed in a hospital and then she was transported to one of the local orphan’s homes, where she grew up, studied and became one of the best pupils. Anna Evans left it and in the 60’s entered with no assistance St. Petersburg university, basing only on her knowledge and relying on herself alone (the university had no name at that time, as there was no division of one University (from the word – universal, unique) it had only different faculties, beginning from machine building and up to medicine). So, she had chosen the speciallity “English literature and history”. She worked and studied perfectly, graduated from the University with red diploma, all in all she acquired that profession making no efforts:

“Work. Again this work. Too hard. But all the people in
the world scarify their free life in the sake of good
reason and goal, and I am not the exception. I should be
persistent to reach something in life and everything else
will be added…”

So, all her work was based on her consciousness, firmness of purpose and success to some extend. But … she was still alone. As she truly believed that family was not a problem and it could appear in her life suddenly, as she said: “…everything else will be added…”

She continued to work in the University and was ready to become an associate professor. Only when she was nearly 30 she met her first love. Her beloved was a very famous at that time Polish journalist and he was impressed by singular erudition of a simple Russian girl. Soon after that they married (besides she took his surname and did not change it up to our days) and they gave birth to a child. She stopped her scientific work for some time while her baby was too small. It seemed to be everything all right and the life went right:

“Like a ray of happiness, a bright light in a routine
tunnel my family illumined me and my soul…I am the happiest
woman in the whole world…”

But luck can not be so long. When their son was only 9 months Ann’s husband was unmotivatedly killed during one of his assignments and suddenly she was left alone with a small child on her hands:

“Neither peace of our family, nor my devotion saved my
husband… My friendly and business ties with the directors
of husband’s company did not play a role… No explanations,
no condolence and I am not talking about moral compensation
and financial support …”

And like in like in her early childhood she was left with no help, money and hope. So, she got used to the injustice and tried to cope with her problems.

Soon after that she sent her son to the kindergarten and she shrank into her shell and began her scientific work again, understanding that her whole life is concentrated and must be concentrated around her son and students. She gave her whole sole to them, knowledge and experience. Then having some courses in England and Wales she wrote one of her best works that brought her a reputation of a one of the best philologists not only in their University but even in the former USSR.

Having lectures in distant parts of our country she met a handsome, brave military man; he was safe and reliable and she dreamed of peace in her soul for so many years. At that moment she felt that she was behind a stone wall. Soon according to one of the military programs he had to visit our town and that is why he invited Anna to follow him and she agreed. May be it was her mistake. At the top of her professional career, having reached the academic status of a Professor she stopped and left everything in a big and prosperous city. There are no notes in her diary about this small period, as she was sure that her decision was right and her life was absolutely arranged.

They married soon, but Anna could not seat having her hands crossed. She became enthusiastic about poem and small stories writing. Unfortunately she never published them, but having read some of them you can be impressed by purity and hearfulness of her works that were full of deep truthful emotions and life experience. Soon she started to work in one of the city schools.

Unluckily, shortly after that Mrs. Evans’ son died in a terrible motorcar accident. It was like a thunder in a blue sky, she had a fit of depression. Her son was only 20 years old.

Moreover, her handsome strong husband fell ill, he had an aneurism of cerebrum vessel; he lied in bed motionless and died in 2 years because of cerebral stroke. And again she was left alone…
…She still lives in this city; she still works in that school. Here is the destiny of an ordinary woman, but agree that her life story is really striking.

But even having such thorny path in life Anna Evans was a real woman in any situation and under any circumstances, she kept herself in hands, acted according to her moral standards and principles and did not grew angry to the world, as her life was so cruel and unhappy.

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