Occupational therapy is the science, which studies human activity ability after injury, during illness, or other disabilities. Even healthy people’s activity ability could decline, and they can experience a change in behavior or a lack of development in their activities.
Occupational therapy is a science where the ability of activity is in focus but also a way where one finds individuals’ motivation and desire.
Occupational therapy’s main task is to help people who, because of injury or disease, have a reduced ability to cope with their daily activities at home, in school, in the workplace, and/or during leisure time, to regain the desired activity ability. The basic idea of the occupational therapy is to take advantage of the abilities that the individual possesses and based on these find an alternative approach to regain the ability in whole or in part, to give advice on the adaptation of the physical environment, the home, school, or workplace, to the individual to better perform his daily tasks and adjust the environment adequately.
Learn more about custom research paper on Occupational Therapy topics!
Occupational therapy is characterized by education and rehabilitation by the activity. It is through activities of daily living (personal care, work, and leisure) and other global and analytical exercises that the therapist organizes to improve capacity to act and skills that individually or group requires.
It concerns the adult, elderly, or children, in such sectors as psychiatry, neurology, rheumatology, or functional rehabilitation. Occupational therapists are often employed to perform in institutions (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, etc.) or may have private practice.
This profession is also characterized by confections orthotic advice in technical aids and the fitting the home of people with disabilities.
The therapist performs rehabilitation services and rehabilitation, thus contributing to the treatment of motor impairments and physical disabilities (structures and functions according to CIF). It can provide learning for patients to gain greater autonomy by using different techniques; he also provides advice to the person and his entourage for a better integration in the personal, professional, and social environment.
The therapist sees the patient holistically assessing and adjust the activity, occupation, ant environment of the patient as much as needed in order to allow the patient to adept and live as fully as possible.
This profession is exercised particularly closely with physicians, psychologists, physiologists, nursing staff, and other rehabilitation professionals. An occupational therapist can support people with all types of disabilities.
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