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  • Research Papers

    Office Space Ergonomics Research Paper

    Executive Summary This report provides the results and analysis of ergonomics of an office space worker sitting for 8 hours per day working on a computer. An employee at the office is faced with an extended sitting posture while working with computers positioned at different angles while typing and reading information. From the tasks performed by a worker at the office, Utah low back Compressive Force and Shoulder moment analysis were used to arrive at the ergonomic risk the employee is exposed to while performing various office activities.

  • Essays

    The American Indian Intellectual Tradition Essay

    Portrayal of the Communities In his anthology “An Address to the Whites”, Elias Boudinot portrays the Indians as being an ignorant, heathen and savage lot. This he does through his explanation of their lack of formal education and the fact that they lacked a structured and recognizable religious system. In page 42 of the book, he admits that his community indeed is ignorant compared to the whites who have advanced in their ways of living. The quotation “Though it be true that he (an Indian) is ignorant, that he is heathen, that he is savage; …” shows us his awareness of his community’s position. Sarah Winnemucca gives a contrasting depiction…

  • Essays

    Resistance to Change Essay

    Change is a positive stepping stone in any developing organization or company. However, the employees’ perception of the induced change determines the outcome. Change should not be rapid but rather a continuous process to incorporate the individuals’ personalities, beliefs and perceptions regarding the organization’s new structure. Change is adopted in an organization that is looking forward to the future success despite the overt strengths and weaknesses to fit in the apparent competitive world (Moran & Brightman 2001). Change should come along with motivation and implementation of the visions. Otherwise, many employees perceive difference as threatening and harmful hence may be obliged to quitting or resisting the change.

  • Essays

    Summary and Analysis Essay Sample

    John Harter’s article focuses on highlighting the nature of the relationship that exists between labor unions and environmentalist organizations. The focus of his research is on the shortcomings of Greenpeace, an organization created specifically to develop amicable resolutions between corporations and forest workers. Additionally, the documentary by Rothwell captures the campaign efforts by Greenpeace through a close analysis of its history. This overview makes the film seem propagandist. Finally, the article by Binnema and Niemi focuses on the plight of aboriginal individuals who resided in Banff National Park. The focus is on how the life of the Indian people, who were once hunters, had changed ever since the ban on…

  • Essays

    Cyber Ethics Essay

    Over three decades since the inaugural use of the internet, the platform has grown to be the biggest communication platform globally. No one could have predicted such a massive growth when it was first initiated (Spinello, 2011, p.1). However, with the massive growth have come massive ethical concerns. Undoubtedly, there is a need for the stricter rule to govern the use of the internet. Internet users are also should be encouraged to conduct themselves ethically whenever using this communication platform. Despite the variation of ethical concerns within the cyberspace, cyber ethics are distinctive ethical issues. Spinello and Tavani (2004) definecyber ethics “as the study of moral, legal, and social issues…

  • Essays

    Tokyo City Essay

    Tokyo, the capital city of Japan is a haven for many people who love shopping, culture, and entertainment. Unlike any other city, Tokyo is a beehive with over 39 million residents and an economic index of $2.5 trillion (In Kikuchi & In Sugai, 2018). Apart from being the capital city of Japan, it remains a metropolitan prefecture that combines with the elements of the city to form a unique and original character of preference. Kaito, tall like a giraffe and as handsome as a baby, a 25-year-old from Tomari village in Japan, decided to move to Tokyo for a better living and a good job. He packed up his bags,…

  • Essays

    Selflessness Essay Sample

    Jonathan Lethem is one of the most notable authors of the modern history. He has published several texts, including novels, collections of stories, essays, comics, and novellas. Such aspect means that the scholar does not focus on one genre of literature as he attempts to explore various fields. Lethem talks about the issue of plagiarism, and how it has adversely affected the growth of younger artists who get influenced by the work of their mentors. Robert Thurman is, in most cases, viewed as the Buddhism ambassador in the United States. His writings focus on the Tibetan culture where he seeks to familiarize the Western audience with the Buddhism teachings. For…

  • Essays

    Violence and Social Control Essay

    The society is influenced by many factors that include demographic variables which serve to shape events or patterns in the community. Violence is one of the main challenges in any social order with the issue being particularly pronounced in America, especially along racial lines. The book “The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality” by Tracy E. Ore offers valuable intuitions into the research focus on violence and social control in this study. It provides a refreshing outlook on social reconstruction in the community by analyzing the elements that influenced, shaped, formed, and maintained refurbishment of crime and victimization. The trend is captured through a general…

  • Essays

    Consciousness Essay Sample

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a sudden brain injury, which may be caused by a jolt or blow to the head. However, there is no consistent definition of the impairment, as the specialists tend to define it depending on the circumstances. It usually happens when a heavy blow or jolt to the head leads to the damage of the brain. The nerve fibers get damaged by the collision between the brain and the skull. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, it occurs when the normal functioning of the brain get disrupted by pressure from external forces. The extremity of the symptom depends on the part of the…

  • Essays

    Transportation System Essay

    Anthony Downs describes how people hate traffic congestion, yet it is a condition that will get worse due to the needs of people living in urban centers. In the article, he proceeds to describe the centrality of the basic requirement of running the economy of any metropolitan area to the traffic congestion issue. The basic requirement is to have students go to school, members of the working-class reporting to work, and other people running various errands during the same hours of the day to facilitate the social interaction among people . One of the factors that intensify this problem is that the majority of traffic commuters in America use private…