• Research Papers

    Research Paper on Gas Chambers

    Gas chambers are a space for the killing of animals or the execution of human beings by means of gas. Free sample research papers on the topic will teach that gas chambers the first time was mentioned in 1891, when Gas chambers were used from the beginning to the microscopy study of gases effect on structures and organisms. A contemporary synonym gas chamber was gas oven, but this synonym gradually disappeared, probably because it was felt that it deprived the victims of the Holocaust, their dignity. The word later got a different meaning. In Nazi Germany’s concentration and extermination camps gas chambers were used for execution of Jews, political opponents,…

  • Research Papers

    Lou Gehrig’s Disease Research Paper

    Lou Gehrig’s disease, also known as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, is a neurodegenerative disease of the nerves that leads to the nerve cells that control the body’s muscles causing their gradual atrophy. It is the most serious disease in the group of motor neurone disease. The disease causes progressive loss of strength followed by muscle atrophy and finally the general paralysis. The direct cause of death is often lost breath ability. Use free sample research papers on Lou Gehrig’s disease to learn that ALS was first described in 1869 by the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot that is why it is also called Charcot’s disease. In North America, the disease…

  • Research Papers

    Association Rule Mining Research Paper

    Association rule mining allows you to find a patterns between related events. The first algorithm for mining association rules, called AIS was developed in 1993 by the experts of the IBM Almaden Research Center. This pioneering work has increased the interest in association rules; the middle of the 90s of the last century was the peak of the research in this area, and since then every year there are several algorithms. Use free sample research papers on Association rule mining to know that for the first time this problem was proposed to association rule mining to find patterns for typical purchases made at supermarkets, so sometimes it is also called…

  • Research Papers

    The Vatican Research Paper

    The Vatican is an independent city-state located as an enclave in the Italian capital Rome. Vatican City was established in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, which gave the Pope and the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church independence after many years of conflict with the Kingdom of Italy. The Pope has his office as supreme leader of the Church in that he represents the Holy See, an international legal entity separate from the Vatican. It is by the Holy See as the Church maintains diplomatic relations with other states and international organizations. Those writing research paper on the topic have to remember that the Vatican’s main function is to assure…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Spinal Cord Injury

    Spinal cord injury involves the immediate or delayed life-threatening. It is the cause of motor and sensory disorders, and disorders of autonomic functions. Routine medicalization and progress taking pre-hospital care have greatly improved the survival of these injuries. To write a descent research paper on spinal cord injury you should know that the evolution of knowledge, especially in the pathophysiology of cell damage, regularly offers new therapeutic attitudes, sometimes controversial. A patient with a spinal cord injury is extremely fragile, especially in the initial phase. It fully justifies specialized care. The combined efforts and specialized services after a stay in intensive care,should make possible the patient transfer to a rehabilitation…

  • Research Papers

    Long-Term Care Research Paper

    Nowadays, a research paper on long-term care topic is more and more urgent. As the population is growing older, almost everyone has a parent or relative or himself requires long-term care. In general, the term “long-term care” includes a wide range of services provided to individuals with chronic illness or having disability for a long period of time. However, usually long-term care refers to assistance in the following areas: Assistance in the basic activity, such as washing, dressing, getting out of bed, going to bathroom, eating, and also helping with incontinence. Homework, such as cleaning and cooking. Personal services, such as shopping, money management cases, medication. Transportation.

  • Research Papers

    The Loch Ness Monster Research Paper

    The Loch Ness Monster, also called Nessie is an animal or group of animals living in Loch Ness, a lake in Scotland, near the city of Inverness. Nessie description is usually referred to a sea serpent, with a length of up to 20 meters. Its existence would explain it to be a so-called cryptid, an inaccessible for man and thus unexplored animal, similar to Bigfoot and Yeti. To prepare a descent research paper on the Loch Ness Monster, the writers must know that most scientists and experts explain the reports of Nessie’s existence as intentional or unintentional misreporting or misidentifications of ordinary animals. Regionally, the myth has become an important…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Noah’s Ark

    Noah’s Ark was the large floating structure, which, according to the book of Genesis in the Bible, was built by Noah according to God’s instructions. Noah was tasked to save himself, his family and all the animals of the earth from a worldwide flood, deluge. The story occurs in the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but also in other contemporary with Noah or older religions. The event is older than Judaism, which is the oldest of the religions mentioned, a disaster that devastated including Mesopotamia, where the Bible Abraham much later would be born and grow up. The stories in altered form are in the Old Testament, for example,…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on White Tigers

    The white tiger, also known as Royal White Tiger is Panthera tigris, a mammalian carnivore of the family of Felidae with a gene mutation giving him white color of his fur. His coat is more or less white with black stripes. Those college or university students who are about to write a good research paper on White tier have to seriously study the topic to know that this is actually a Bengal tiger with a genetic abnormality called leucistic or leucism It should not be confused with specimens albinos who have no black stripes and rather clear eyes, sometimes nicknamed the ghost tiger because of their distinctive appearance, in this…

  • Research Papers

    Social Darwinism Research Paper

    Social Darwinism is a collective term for several different ideologies that are based on the idea that competition between individuals, groups, nations, or ideas is governing the social development of human societies and attempts to prevent this competition through political intervention to protect the weak in society leads to the prevention of the development of superior forms of society. University students seeking to prepare a good research paper on Social Darwinism need to know that the term gets its name from the use of Darwinian explanations of social conditions, even though the theories do not have their direct origin in Darwin, where they can be said to be based on…