In the XVII century, in England, there was a religious movement, whose supporters have sought to clear the Anglican Church from all sorts of accretions. These were the Puritans, who initiated the sexual culture, called the Puritan and having a broad sphere of influence. The victory under the leadership of Cromwell’s Puritans quickly increased their influence. They have opposed all pleasures, including sexual intercourse. The Puritans were reluctant to entertain themselves, as it distracted them from work, which became for them a cult. During holidays and Sundays were meant to attend the service. A desire to impose by force on society a rigorist legislation of morality led to the political…
Research Paper on Folk Music
Folk refers to the set of music associated with a national or regional traditional culture or geographical area. The three key concepts in the definition of folk music are therefore the geographical socio-cultural origins, transmission, and re-creation. If you want to write a successful research paper on the topic you must know that Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) was one of the first scientists described folk music from a theoretical point of view. He, like other early explorers, emphasized the direct link between folk music and nature. In the 19th century, folk music was considered, if not “the music of nature, at least, natural, a natural music not prone to urban…
DNA Damage Research Paper
A variety of DNA damage can occur spontaneously or under the influence of external factors. Cells need a highly effective mechanism of reparation, since the integrity of the DNA is essential for cell survival and normal functioning, and the damage is occurring constantly. DNA contains about 3*109 basic pairs (in humans) and 2*1011 Covalent bonds, is a huge target for various damaging factors. Use free sample research papers on DNA damage to learn that on the basis of known energy ties, you can calculate the typical DNA cells each day undergoing spontaneous about 10000 cases of depurinization (the loss of F or G base), 500 cases of depyrimidinization (the loss…
Positive Thinking Research Paper
Positive thinking and the patterns are revealed in 3D modeling. The surrounding world, objects, and our ideas, concepts are also three dimensional. The volume as a whole is formed only through positive signs in parts (the ratio of parts to a whole). Only the volume can have dimensions. Therefore, positive thinking is a natural process of life, harmony with the outside world, maintaining its standards in the consciousness and organization of all the processes in life. All patterns are denoted in the normative psychology, regulatory management, and normative psychoanalysis. To write a successful research paper on positive thinking you should know that it is a concept used in the workshops…
Research Paper on Health Care Ethics
The principles of observance by the doctors of professional mastery and bases of morality are of enormous significance for our society. Ethics is to an equal measure applicable to any activity, including health care that by the virtue of its professional belonging is an integral part of our society. If you are looking to write a decent research paper on health care ethics, it is important to profoundly understand every aspect of this multi-faceted phenomenon as well as its origin and history. It seems very helpful to us free sample research paper to learn that the history of health care ethics is begun with the Oath of Hippocrates. Even though…
Solar System Research Paper
Solar system is defined as the gravitational system of the Sun. The solar system includes the sun, orbiting by planets and their natural satellites, the dwarf planets and other small bodies such as comets, asteroids, and meteoroids, and the total of all gas and dust particles attracted and held together by the sun gravitational field. The Solar System also includes the Earth. Those who are about to write their research paper on Solar system it is important to know that the central star of the solar system is the sun. It is followed by the terrestrial planets: Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury, which make up the inner part of the planetary…
Permissive Parenting Research Paper
In permissive parenting, parents almost do not regulate behavior of the child; they are open for close interaction with the child. Complete freedom is given to children with an insignificant guidance by the parents. College and university students interested in writing an argumentative and interesting research paper on permissive parenting are welcomed to use free sample research proposals on the topic. These free papers are an excellent choice for those have none or small experience in the field. The absence of some limitations results in disobedience and aggressiveness, children often behave inadequately in public, they are inclined to indulge their weaknesses, have impulsive behavior. At a favorable set of circumstances,…
Physical Science Research Paper
Physical science is totality of knowledge about natural objects, phenomena and processes. Physical science was formed before the formation of any separate natural sciences. It actively developed in the XVII-XIX centuries. The first scientists engaged in physical science or accumulation of primary knowledge about nature were named naturalists. To learn more on the topic you may safely use free sample research papers on physical since from which you may learn that in a historical context, the association of concepts physical science and natural sciences is impermissible, as in the period of development of physical science natural sciences were not yet formed. From the point of view of modern science, physical…
Research Paper on Family Systems Theory
An American psychiatrist Murray Bowen in a publication in 1966 explained that “family is a system because changes in one part of it conduce to the compensatory changes in another.” In this regard family systems are similar to well-known natural systems, such as a cardiovascular system. In 1975, Bowen added his own name to the initial name of Family Systems Theory, to avoid inaccuracy in the general use of the word “system.” Use free sample research paper on the topic to learn that Family Systems Theory by Bowen and General Systems Theory have much in common, however, originated from different sources. General Systems Theory got its beginning from the comprehension…
Mount Everest Research Paper
Mount Everest is located in Himalayas, on the ridge of Mah?lang?r Him?l (in its part, called Khumbu Himal). The south summit of the mount (8760 m) is located on the border of Nepal of and Tibet Autonomous Region (China), the North (main) summit (8848 m) is located on the territory of China. College students whose research project requires writing a comprehensive research paper on Mount Everest have to make a great effort to write interesting and argumentative paper. To make this difficult task easier it seems reasonable to look through some free sample research papers on the topic, as they can be safely be used as good guides on the…