• Research Papers

    Casey Anthony Research Paper

    Free Casey Anthony research paper: Caylee Marie Anthony (August 9, 2005 – June 16, 20081 ) is a girl born in Orlando, Florida, United States, whose remains were discovered on December 11, 2008 in a forest near the Anthony family home, attracting the national attention to the case. On 24 May 2011, the trial of the State of Florida against her mother, Casey Anthony, for first degree murder began. Casey Anthony, mother of Caylee, was charged with the first degree murder of her daughter, then just two years old. She could be punished with the death penalty if she had been convicted. Casey Anthony was acquitted on July 5, 2011.…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Carl Sandburg

    Free research paper about Carl Sandburg: Carl Sandburg, born January 6, 1878 in Galesburg, Illinois, DoD 22 July 1967 in Flat Rock, North Carolina, was an American author. His parents were immigrants from Sweden. Sandburg’s parents August and Clara Johnson were emigrants from northern Sweden. His father was in the U.S. working on the railroad and because there were several named August Johnson beside him, he changed his name to Sandburg. The family was very poor. After completing eight years of school studies the young Carl supported his family (or Charles as he wrote in those days) working on simpler jobs. In 1897, he enlisted in the Army and took…

  • Research Papers

    The Boston Massacre Research Paper

    Free research paper on the Boston Massacre: The Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770 is an episode in the conflict between the British colonies in North America and Britain during the second half of the eighteenth century, culminating in 1775 in the American Revolution and the War of Independence. In 1767, the Townshend Acts establish a tax on many imported goods in the American colonies. These laws raise the disapproval and resistance of the American colonists. During the summer of 1768, customs officers confiscated a sloop owned by John Hancock, accused of violating trade rules. The crowd stormed the customs, forcing officials to take refuge on a British warship anchored…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Astrology

    Astrology research paper: Just note that there is still no generally accepted definition of astrology – different sources give different formulations, and their total number reaches several dozen. It appears that much of the ongoing debates about the role of astrology in the history of culture is due to the lack of clear understanding of the term. Dictionary defines the term “astrology” as a teaching of the alleged connection between the position of the stars and historical events, the destinies of men and nations. Another dictionary of foreign words defines astrology as a doctrine on the relationship between the movement of the heavenly bodies and earthly events, based on this…

  • Research Papers

    Martial Arts Research Paper

    Free Martial Arts research paper: A martial art is a style or a school that focuses on teaching the combat techniques, with arm or without it. Historically, this training includes a spiritual and moral dimension to achieve self-control (essential both to renounce avoidable struggle and to cope effectively, if it is not), and is enriched by multiple knowledge (cultural, philosophical, medical, etc.). Thus, martial arts aim overall development of the individual: external (strength, flexibility), internal (energy, health), intellectual, and moral. Because of its history, the term “martial art” is most often used in everyday language to describe a discipline of Asian Fighting, and the most popular martial arts in Europe…

  • Research Papers

    Creatine Research Paper

    Creatine, [NH2-C(NH)-NCH2(COOH )-CH3], is a natural amino acid derivative, present mainly in the brain and muscle fibers. It plays a role in providing energy to the muscle cells and muscle contraction. It was discovered in 1832 by the French chemist Eugène Chevreul. The word comes from Greek ????? (Kreas, meat). In all vertebrates and some invertebrates creatine is formed from the creatine phosphate by creatine kinase enzyme. The presence of such energy supply maintains ATP / ADP at a sufficient level in those cells where high concentration of ATP is required. High-energy phosphate buffers in the cells are in the form of phosphocreatine or phosphoarginine. This system works in the…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Fish Oil

    Free research paper on Fish Oil: New studies show that fish oil can be effective against many diseases because it contains Omega-3 fatty acid, a significant amount of which is necessary for the metabolism. Omega-3 fatty acid has properties to reduce pain, inflammation, thin the blood and is useful as a preventive means. Fish oil is widely used in medicine as a dietary supplement to reduce blood pressure or triglycerides (cholesterol-related fats) level. Doctors recommend fish oil to reduce the risk of stroke as well as heart disease. Scientific evidence indicates that fish oil really lowers triglycerides, which helps prevent heart disease and stroke when taken in the recommended amounts.…

  • Research Papers

    Aspartame Research Paper

    Research Paper on Aspartame: Aspartame is a sweetener, a sugar substitute (food additive E951). L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl decomposes in humans in methanol and two proteinogenic amino acid: aspartic acid and phenylalanine. Aspartame is about 160-200 times sweeter than sugar, has no odor, and is soluble in water. This sweetener, as carbohydrates and proteins, has caloricity of 4 kcal / g. However, for creating a sweet taste, only a small amount of aspartame is needed, therefore its contribution to the caloric intake is not taken into account. Compared with sugar, sweet flavor of aspartame appears slower and stays longer. Aspartame is destroyed when heated, so it is not suitable to sweeten products…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on Arming Airline Pilots

    After long debates, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has decided to adopt the program of arming pilots of commercial flights. In 2002, the U.S. Congress decided to allow the airline pilots to carry guns. February 28, 2003 TSA head James Loy appeared before Congress with recommendations for the program implementation. A special group, created to develop a plan to ensure the safety of the airline pilots, recommended that TSA arm the pilots with semi-automatic 40-gauge guns. Only the pilot and co-pilot are allowed to carry weapons, and only in the holster. Pilots are allowed to use guns only in logging; they cannot carry the arm in the passenger compartment. After the…

  • Research Papers

    Research Paper on William Blake

    Free William Blake research paper: William Blake (1757–1827) was a painter and poet pre romantic from England. Although regarded as a painter – he painted some oil paintings, preferring the watercolor, drawing, engraving, the lithography – he was mainly devoted to poetry. He is the author of a biblical visions inspired by prophetic works. His hallucinatory style was modern, which distinguished him from his peers, although his themes were classic. He was the son of a hosier, and from childhood, showed amazing provisions for drawing and poetry. Aware of the atypical hypersensitive personality of their son, his parents sent him to an art school at the age of ten, where…